Awards ceremony
Friday 19th September 2025
Find out more
BIBAs Bootcamp
Thursday 27th February
More information and booking
Competition opens
Tuesday 28th January
Enter now
Deadline for applications
Monday 31st March
Judges training
Tuesday 29th April
Applicants informed of decision
Monday 28th April
BIBAs Judging (Round One) at Preston North End FC
Wednesday 14th May and Thursday 15th May
Finalists announced publicly
Monday 19th May
BIBAs Judging (Round Two)
(BIBAs on Tour) approx: 7.30am – 5.00pm
Monday 2nd June | Business of the Year |
Tuesday 3rd June | Medium Business of the Year |
Wednesday 4th June | Manufacturer of the Year |
Thursday 5th June | Global Business of the Year |
Friday 6th June | Construction Business of the Year |
Monday 9th June | Employer of the Year |
Tuesday 10th June | Apprentice Team of the Year |
Wednesday 11th June | Skills Provider of the Year |
Thursday 12th June | Low Carbon Business of the Year |
Friday 13th June | Community Business of the Year |
Monday 16th June | New Business of the Year |
Tuesday 17th June | Micro Business of the Year |
Wednesday 18th June | Small Business of the Year |
Thursday 19th June | Family Business of the Year |
Friday 20st June | Leadership Team of the Year |
Monday 23rd June | Leisure & Tourism Business of the Year |
Tuesday 24th June | Scale Up Business of the Year |
Wednesday 25th June | Innovative Business of the Year |
Thursday 26th June | Service Business of the Year |
Friday 27th June | Digital & Marketing Business of the Year |